NRA Environmental Consultants

Our Directors & Associates

Our Directors

NRA is an independent specialist in environmental regulatory compliance and the management of natural resources.

We endeavour to be the best at what we do, to provide accurate information in a timely and cost effective manner, and to develop solutions that work, have an ecological basis, and are designed to address the picture as a whole. Our established credentials and demonstrated abilities provide our clients with certainty of outcomes.

NRA's founders have all made positive contributions to professional standards in our industry.

Neil Boland

Neil Boland and Des Bolton were among the first environmental science graduates in Australia. In 1984, they established NRA - fired by their enthusiasm for environmental protection through the provision of quality advice to companies whose operations have environmental impacts.

Since then Neil has undertaken or directed numerous impact assessment, strategic planning, conservation, and rehabilitation projects in Australia and South East Asia. Neil served as a Director of the International Erosion Control Association Australasia.

More About Neil

Tim Anderson

Tim Anderson joined NRA in 1993. He has participated in the planning, design, and operations of significant infrastructure and resources development projects. Tim has a long standing commitment to catchment and reef management initiatives and his voluntary contributions were recognised in the 2007 Cassowary Award. Tim is a Certified Environmental Auditor, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, and Certified Environmental Practitioner.

More About Tim

Our Associates

Our ability to respond to the needs of our clients is enhanced by our network of associates, which includes professionals in the fields of conservation economics, cross-cultural resource management, fauna surveys and habitat assessment.