Neil has practised environmental science in Queensland since 1980. He has extensive experience in managing environmental impact assessments in the infrastructure, Defence and mining industries. This experience includes impact assessment, environmental planning and regulation, specialist ecological studies, rehabilitation ecology, water quality monitoring and management, erosion control, and Environmental Management Systems. Neil’s experience has been recognised through his engagement to provide expert witness advice to the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, City Councils and the Environmental Defenders Office.
Overseas, Neil has worked in South East Asia and the Pacific. In Laos, he prepared a report on mining legislation for the World Bank, which helped the Government of Lao PDR develop the mining sector in the country in the context of sustainable development. He also presented a workshop on approaches to minimising risk in the mining industry to government regulators. He has provided specialist input into mining rehabilitation projects in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea and a sustainable agriculture project in the Philippines.
His project management experience includes being an adviser in a long-term capacity to a number of mining operations in northern and western Queensland and, in the Defence industry, as the HLA Defence Alliance NQ coordinator from 2004 to 2007. Neil has project managed the preparation of impact assessments for large-scale infrastructure projects and directed specialist terrain analysis and ecology studies (flora, fauna, limnology, water quality). In this role, he has also been responsible for client liaison and presentations to government departments, local authorities, Traditional Owners, company boards and the community.
Neil is a past Director of the International Erosion Control Association Australasia (IECAA).